Vitality & Body Basics: An Interview with Jan & Rick Hanson

  Learn ways that you can support your vitality, physical health, and nutritional neurochemistry in this hour-long interview I did with Rick Hanson for the Foundations of Well-Being program. We cover diet, vitamins, laboratory testing (and how to think about the results), and practical physiologically-oriented interventions for better sleep and mood that don’t require medications.  

Category : Articles &Diet &Vitamins

The Neurodharma of Love

Rick Hanson and Jan Hanson Esalen Institute Dec 3-5, 2010 For thousands of years, meditators in many traditions have used the mind to change the brain, open the heart, settle into blissful absorption, and to experience liberating insight. Today, scientists are studying the brains of longtime contemplative practitioners—the Olympic athletes of mental training. Modern neuroscience […]

Category : Past Workshops

Your Best Brain

Your brain is the bottom-line for how you feel and act: change your brain, and you change your life. In this four-hour workshop on Saturday, September 25, 2010 in San Rafael, CA, we covered ten great ways to change your brain for the better – for more joy, more fulfilling relationships, and more peace of […]

Category : Past Workshops